Volunteers of America Car Donation Program

Volunteers of America is a non-profit making and faith based organisation geared toward promoting development to inhabitants of any community where they find themself.
Their services include the development of children, adolescents and helping of the elderly by having a retirement community see to their daily needs. They also make provision for self-sufficiency, humble housing for the homeless, clothing and other basic needs of the challenged in the community.
The Volunteers of America car donation program gives those who want to show support for their community the opportunity to do so, by donating their car(s), which will then be sold and the money used to better the lives of the community.
The kind of autos accepted by the Volunteers of America car donation program are cars, trucks and recreational vehicles. The Volunteers of America cars accepts vehicles that are road worthy and those that are not; so far the selling price of the car can offset the cost of towing. In rare cases, you may be asked to pay the towing fee if the towing amount exceeds the market value of your car. 
To donate your car to the Volunteers of America car donation program, you start by calling a recommended number at their website to certify if your car could be towed and sold for something higher. If your car passes this level, then you fill out a form that allows you to give details of your car, then you make appointment with them so they come and pick it up. The title of your vehicle must be signed over to the Volunteers of America car donation program, whether the car is running or not.
After that, your vehicle will be picked up and they will do you a receipt that is temporary.
A legal receipt to represent your contribution will be given you after the title is officially cleared.
One advantage you get from donating to the Volunteers of America car donation program is that such donations are tax deductible. It is a win-win situation where you get rid of your old car (s) you no longer use, and at the same time becoming a source of help to your community. You are contributing toward making your community safer, and a flourishing place to be. 
Depending on the market value of your car, your tax deduction will look thus:

1) If your vehicle value is up to $500, that is, if the claimed value of your vehicle donation is $500 or less, or the vehicle is sold by Volunteers of America car donation program for less than $500, you may deduct the fair market value up to $500.
2) For vehicles with value more than $500, deductions for such vehicles with a claimed value of more than $500 may not exceed the selling price of the vehicle. The Volunteers of America car donation program will ask for your social security/tax identification number. This is because it was so demanded of them by the internal revenue services.
There are several factors that can influence the sales price of your car in the volunteers of America cars sales. These factors include; whole sale price (20% lesser than retail price), vehicle all-round condition, and where it is sold.
If your car is used or gifted (that is when your car is been given to a needy family), you can still deduct “fair market value”. The “fair market value” is the price the car would have been sold in the open market. You will receive notice from Volunteers of America car donation program team that you have donated your car for “fair market value” within 30 days of donation.
Call Volunteers of America Car Donation Program @ 248-450-5005 for more info.